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His songs have also found favor with Country legends including Chet Atkins, Garth Brooks, The Dixie Chicks, Kris Kristofferson, Charlie Pride, Crystal Gayle, Anne Murray, Lynn Anderson, The Oak Ridge Boys, Diamond Rio and Neil McCoy. A ‘Hall of Fame’ songwriter and recipient of the 2004 National Music Publishers President’s Award, Williams’ standards have been recorded by such diverse musical icons as Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Barbra Streisand, Ella Fitzgerald, Ray Charles, David Bowie, Tony Bennett, R.E.M., Sarah Vaughn, Johnny Mathis, Bing Crosby, The Carpenters, Luther Vandross, Mel Torme and Diana Ross. Oscar, Grammy and Golden Globe winning songwriter Paul Williams is recognized as one of America’s most prolific and gifted lyricists and composers.

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LV Backstage Talk radio show is the only show that “Gets Personal with the Stars.”

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Singer/Songwriter Paul Williams returns on Las Vegas Backstage Talk radio show with Comedian Michele LaFong. July 17, 2014- 6-7pm PST 1230AM in LV & The WebĪudio of interviews posted below (Scroll down)

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